Friday, May 16, 2008

Thinking of keeping a puppy/dog ?
It isn't as easy as you think to keep a puppy/dog. You'll have to provide them
for around 10-15years, which is their lifespan. You must be affordable, in
order to give them a proper home. There's alot of things you need to know more about
them. You must have enough time to accompany the puppy/dog, even if you've no
time. Your house must have someone who can look after your pet. That will be
more easier and convinient.

How to choose your dog's food?
According to their appetite, what they likes to eat. That's the most important.
Different dog's have diferent food liking, they would be permanent about that.
Pedigrees pups must have their own suitable food, with mixed milk in it.
In order for that to chew easily. Adult dogs are more random, their teeths
are more stronger and can tolerate foods that are harder. Their meals of important.
Dogs should eat more dry food than can, dry food have more nutrients.

Do my dog need vitamins?
Disease is a process which gradually debilitates the cells of an organism.
The organism may be you, or me, or your dog (or mine!)
Debilitated cells are unable to rebuild, regenerate and repair damage which inevitably
occurs just through the fact of being alive and moving day by day closer to the end of life.
Of course, much greater damage can be caused by poor nutrition or other dietary
deficiencies or excesses, environmental poisons, physical and/or emotional stress or
insufficient excercise. In short, anything which pushes the organism past its optimum
capacity, or causes it to fall short of its optimum capacity, can and will cause damage
and will debilitate the cells.
Vitamins for your dog work by feeding your dog's cells in such a way that helps debilitated cells activate their natural regenerative power. When this natural regenerative power is restored your dog's original vitality returns. You may notice a marked improvement in your dog's appearance, and, depending upon your dog's current age now, your dog may well appear considerably younger than his/her actual age.
Naturally if your dog is still a pup, there's unlikely to be so much of a noticeable change, but your puppy will surely benefit from lifelong treatment with vitamins and live to a healthy ripe old age. Wouldn't that be great?
Yes, your dog can certainly benefit from a vitamin supplement.


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